From State Developments to Federal Regulations, Our People Keep You In the Know.
Bolton stays abreast of the latest developments through active research and education, training from our internal Chief Compliance Officer and our industry partnerships, including The Benefit Advisors Network, Assurex Global, The International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans, The Self-Insurance Institute of America and The Employers Council on Flexible Compensation—among others.
We do this so we can keep you on top of the latest compliance developments with regard to benefits administration and other employee-related issues. And our in-house compliance team is here to help you stay up-to-date on state and federal regulatory requirements and avoid unnecessary fines and penalties.
We actively communicate the latest compliance news to our clients through a multitude of channels, including email alerts, blog posts, webinars and seminars. And our compliance team assists with 5500 filings, leave and absence policies, SPDs, wrap documents, 1094/1095 ACA reporting, COBRA administration and much more.
Our services include:
- COBRA administration
- Flexible benefits administration
- Signature-ready 5500 forms
- Human resources consulting (ThinkHR)
- Dependent audits
- Claims payment audits
- Actuarial services
- Educational seminars
- Legislative updates
- Retirement plan audits and compliance
- Health Care Reform updates
Your Ever-evolving, Problem Solving Team.
Do you have a question about a service? Perhaps you have a unique challenge? Maybe you need support in an area that isn’t listed here?
We want to hear from you. Reach out to our expert team and let us know your story. We’re eager to help.